Thursday, 25 September 2008

I'm Back!!

It seems that I have been away far to long!

My grandfather, Tom, whom I had been caring for the two years, passed away on the 4th July.
I didn't want to blog as some part of me thought that if i was blogging about day to day life then I would have to blog about this also. I simply couldn't. To be honest I sat down last week and thought right, lets do this thing but I still couldn't. After some thought I decided that rather than force myself ( and only because of a notion I have) then I should talk about him when I can and not deprive myself of my blogging pleasure! so here I am, back in the fold once again!

I have had a bad run of luck these past couple of years and to be honest it couldn't get much lower so it had to get better at some point- and it has, I now have my own home!

What a place though! We walked up the road to see the property and I was buzzing about it, however, when I got through the door it was like I had went back in time. The place was rancid! The previous occupants had decided to let there four dogs pee up the walls and there was dog muck everywhere. It stank!

However one month on, 30 rolls of wallpaper, 7 tins of paint, and about 3 zillion hours of hard graft, its looks like something from a magazine! I love it, so much so I'm frightened to live in it in case I spoil it!

Anyway that's enough raving about it for now. Back to the horse update. The penny has finally dropped for Merlin that he is all man. this occurred after the workmen left the gate open so the mare could wander into the adjoining field. instead of his usual cuddly manner he now has one of pure hormones, although he isn't being rude to me and still knows how to do as he is told when required.

The mare (known as Auntie Cecilia) Merlin's aunt, arrived the last week in July and has now settled very well and is a real luvvie. She did however fail to get in foal as we had hoped and will now be covered in the spring again. Fingers crossed for then!

Rosie the Jack Russell (pictured) has given birth to her second litter of pups, four in total, which are all strong and healthy, and are ready for new homes come 1st November.

Well I think that's me all caught up now- and I shall promise to come back to you all without such a long gap!

Take care


Casdok said...

So sorry to hear of your Grandfather.

Sounds like you have done a fab job with your house so you have every right to rave about it!!! :)

Flowerpot said...

so sorry ot hear about your grandfather - sounds like you have been through a really bad time recently. Let's hope life is on the up again now. As mother of a JR I'm delighted to hear of more of the pups!

Merlin's Wizard said...

To Casdok and Flowerpot: Firstly thank you both for yor kind words about my grandafather. I will write a more detaled blog of the puppies soon- and of course there shall be pictures!

Take care

Pat Posner said...

I keep seeing you on other blogs I read so I came over to say 'Hi'. So sorry to hear about your grandfather; it hurts so much to lose a loved one but I think you're right to talk about him when you can.
Wishing you happiness in your new home. Merlin sounds like a real character and I love your dogs.

merry weather said...

Hi MW!!

So sorry to hear of your grandfather passing away. That must have been a very sad time for you.

I can quite understand what you mean about blogging the truth. Some things are too private and take you away from sharing your thoughts and chattering. I am much the same lately, although thankfully not for such a serious reason as yours.

So glad to hear you've made a nest - excellent! Sounds brilliant - a magazine pad eh?

Hugs from the other MW :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Wow! Wow!

Nice to have you back, sweetie.

CJ xx